
Supports: ​

  • Cognitive Performance 
  • Neurogenesis 
  • Memory Consolidation 
  • Memory Recall 
  • Overall Brain Health

Our Ingredients

Our Ingredients:

  • Lion's Mane Mushroom 
  • Bacopa monnieri 
  • CDP-Choline (Citicoline) 
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Phosphatidylserine 
  • Huperzine A 1%
  • Vitamin B12 
  • Vitamin B6 
  • Vitamin B1 

Lion's Mane Mushroom  

Lion’s Mane Mushroom, also known as Hericium erinaceus, is a remarkable mushroom that has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries. This mushroom has shown to promote the development of new nerves and to enhance brain function, even after the user has stopped taking it.


Each serving of Axon contains 500mg of Lion's Mane Extract standardized to 30% Beta-D-Glucans


Lion's Mane Mushroom is native to Japan, North America, and Europe.


  • Promotes the growth of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) 
  • Enhances cognition by reducing inflammation in the brain 
  • Supports overall brain health

How it works: 

Lion’s Mane helps improve cognition by increasing the amount of Nerve Growth Factors in the brain. Nerve Growth Factors are small proteins that are essential to the development, maintenance, and longevity of neurons. Nerve Growth Factors have also been shown to play a vital role in myelination, which is the development of the protective coating around the axons called the myelin sheath. 

Side Effects: 

There have been very few side effects reported during Lion’s Mane supplementation. The major side effect experienced is a sensation of itchy skin, which may be explained by an increase in Nerve Growth Factors in the body. 

Bacopa monnieri  

Bacopa monnieri is one of the oldest and most studied nootropic compounds to date. Bacopa has centuries of use in Ayurvedic medicine as a cognition enhancer, stress reliever, and brain protectant. Bacopa monnieri is different from many modern nootropics as it must be taken over a long period of time to achieve maximum results.


  • Enhances memory formation and recall 
  • Significantly improves spatial learning 
  • Protects the brain through its antioxidant properties

How it works: 

Bacopa monnieri extract contains Bacoside-A, which has been shown to stimulate nerve cells and improve synapse sensitivity to nerve impulses. Bacopa has also been shown to stimulate the hippocampus by increasing the activity of proteins that regulate cellular pathways in the brain. Studies have also shown that Bacopa’s active ingredients support GABA activity, which helps restrict the firing of neurons that are over-excited by stress.

Side Effects: 

Bacopa is generally recognized as safe at moderate doses between 200mg – 400mg,with minimal side effects. Most side effects are dose-dependent. Common side effects include indigestion, dry mouth, and increased bowel movements, which commonly dissipate over time as the body becomes accustomed to Bacopa.


CDP-Choline is naturally found in small amounts in the body and is extracted commercially from purified soy lecithin. CDP-Choline is a potent memory booster and also acts a powerful potentiator of other nootropics. Choline supplementation can be difficult to achieve solely through dietary means, as significant sources such as meat and dairy products are well below concentrations needed for supplementation.


  • Memory enhancement 
  • Protection against brain aging 
  • Promotes rapid recovery after physical exercise 
  • Amplifies effects of other nootropics 
  • Significantly improves spatial learning

How it works: 

CDP-Choline is water soluble and easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it is metabolized into essential choline for the brain. Choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which has been shown to be involved in cognitive functions such as memory formation, learning ability, and concentration. CDP-Choline has also been shown to affect the production of HGH (human groth hormone) in the pituitary glands, which stimulates cell growth and repair.w

Side Effects: 

CDP-Choline is safe and well tolerated in healthy adults, but some side effects such as headaches and nausea have been reported by a small percentage of study participants.

Ginkgo biloba  

The extract from this ancient Chinese tree species has been used as a cognition enhancing supplement for over 500 years.


  • Improve circulation 
  • Enhance cognition 
  • Protects against oxidative stress

How it works: 

The antioxidant properties of ginkgo biloba, particularly that of bilobalide, appear to be active at the level of the mitochondria and thus this plant can act as a mitochondrial protective agent. In vitro, bilobalide appears to promote neuronal proliferation and nerve repair.

Side Effects: 

Patients with blood circulation disorders or individuals on anticoagulants, such as aspirin, are at risk of experiencing undesirable effects after taking ginkgo. Those taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) as antidepressants should not take ginkgo as it inhibits monoamine oxidase, reducing the effectiveness of the medications.


Phosphatidylserine is an essential molecule that plays a key role in cell cycle signaling and is a primary building block for the billions of cells in your brain. Phosphatidylserine has been shown to increase your ability to manage stress effectively and improve overall mood. The FDA has even stated that phosphatidylserine “may reduce the risk of dementia and cognitive dysfunction”.


  • Memory enhancement 
  • Protection against brain aging 
  • Promotes rapid recovery after physical exercise 
  • Amplifies effects of other nootropics 
  • Significantly improves spatial learning

How it works: 

Phosphatidylserine is a structural component of a cell’s lipid bilayer (cell membrane) with the serine molecule facing inwards. When included in the structure of the cell membrane, it seems to contribute to and increase cell fluidity and have positive influences on the enzymes Na+/K+ stimulated ATPase (upregulation) and acetylcholinesterase (downregulation), which may lead to its effects on cognition.

Side Effects: 

Supplementation of up to 600mg phosphatidylserine (soy based) for 12 weeks in elderly persons has been noted to not be associated with any adverse effects.

Huperzine A 1%  

Huperzine A is a naturally sourced nootropic that has been used for centuries in China for its ability to enhance memory and cognition. Huperzine A is a potent memory enhancer and is particularly effective when trying to study or learn any new material.


  • Promote the growth of new nerve cells. 
  • Acts as a potent neuroprotectant. 
  • Improves memory retention and recall.

How it works: 

Huperzine A increases levels of acetylcholine in the brain by inhibiting cholinesterase, which is the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine. Acetylcholine has been shown to assist in the formation of new memories and high acetylcholine levels increase the magnitude of neurotransmissions to the cortex. It has also been shown in studies to protect neurons from damage caused by glutamates, peroxides, and beta-amyloid build up.

Side Effects: 

Huperzine A has been shown to be safe for daily use, however it tends to be cycled in order to avoid tolerance build up. Because Huperzine A has been shown to slow heart rate and affect blood pressure, individuals with heart disease should consult with their physician before taking it.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)  

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, was the first B vitamin discovered by researchers. It is an essential vitamin that the body does not produce, so it must be obtained from food or supplementation.


  • Enhances mental clarity and focus 
  • Increases energy levels and reduces fatigue 
  • Helps combat the negative effects of stress

How it works: 

Vitamin B1 forms a coenzyme called thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), which assists with the metabolism of sugars and amino acids. The brain’s main fuel source is glucose and glucose cannot be metabolized unless enough Vitamin B1 is present. Vitamin B1 has also been shown to help synthesize glutathione, which provides antioxidant protection for brain cells.

Side Effects: 

No side effects are experienced while taking the daily recommended intake of Vitamin B1, which is between 1.1mg and 1.4mg for adults.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)  

Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, is an essential vitamin that is involved in more than 100 different enzyme reactions in the body. Vitamin B6 is shown to play a vital role in the biosynthesis of five important neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA.


  • Optimizes blood circulation in the brain 
  • Helps maintain a healthy balance of neurotransmitters
  • Enhances overall mental performance

How it works: 

Vitamin B6 helps metabolize homocysteine, which is a type of blood fat that damage blood vessels inside the brain. By breaking down homocysteine, Vitamin B6 plays an important role in regulating brain circulation and maintaining optimal brain health. Vitamin B6 also supports memory recall and attention span through the production of essential neurotransmitters.

Side Effects: 

Side effects caused by Vitamin B6 are very rare, especially supplementing with a moderate dose. The Mayo Clinic suggests a daily dose of 20mg of Vitamin B6 for cognitive function support.

Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin)  

Vitamin B12, also known as methylcobalamin, is an essential vitamin that plays vital roles in overall brain function, nervous system health, and energy production. Since Vitamin B12 is water soluble, the body cannot store it for long periods of time and it has to be replenished daily through dietary means.


  • Promotes healthy brain aging 
  • Improves neural communication 
  • Supports overall brain health

How it works: 

Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), which is a compound needed to maintain the overall genetic health of brain tissue. Vitamin B12 has also been shown to speed up nerve impulses by promoting myelin sheath production. Vitamin B12 also acts as a precursor in the biosynthesis of all major neurotransmitters in your brain, such as acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Side Effects: 

Vitamin B12 side effects very rarely occur when consumed orally, even when administering a large dose of B12.