Rest by Nooflux | Nootropic for Deep Sleep + Muscle Recovery - Nooflux


Supports: ​

  • Sleep Onset
  • Deep Sleep 
  • Healthy Sleep-Wake Cycle 
  • Relaxation 
  • Muscle Recovery

Our Ingredients


  • Magnesium Glycinate 
  • L-Theanine 
  • Valerian Root Extract 
  • Hops Extract 
  • 5-HTP 
  • Zinc Picolinate 
  • Vitamin B6 
  • Melatonin

Magnesium Glycinate  

Magnesium is an essential dietary mineral, and the second most prevalent electrolyte in the human body with over 300 biochemical processes. Magnesium Glycinate is the most bioavailable form of magnesium available.


  • Enhanced Muscle Recovery 
  • Improved Sleep Efficiency 
  • Combats Free Radicals & Toxins

How it works: 

When it comes to sleep, it supports muscle relaxation, growth and recovery. It also helps curb the production of cortisol, a ‘stress hormone’ that disturbs peaceful sleep, allowing your body and mind to fall asleep faster and wake more refreshed.

Side Effects: 

There have been very few side effects have ever been reported with normal Magnesium supplementation (~350mg of elemental magnesium daily).


A naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in tea. It does an excellent job at relaxing without being a sedative, making it an excellent choice to pair with stimulants. It is renowned for its excellent nootropic properties such as improving memory, enhancing the ability to learn, and providing a calming effect.


  • Increases relaxation and sleep quality
  • Enhances mood and reduces anxiety
  • Improves memory recall

How it works: 

L-Theanine is quickly absorbed and crosses the blood brain barrier. It increases alpha-1 brain wave activity within 30-45 minutes of ingestion. Alpha-1 activity is highly associated with relaxation and attention. It also promotes production of serotonin, dopamine and GABA which further back up these claims.

Side Effects: 

L-Theanine is an amino acid with extremely low well tolerated by almost all adults within normal doses (80-160 mg). 

Valerian Root Extract  

This herb has been commonly used for treating insomnia for centuries. It is clinically shown to increase sleep efficiency in combination with Hops Extract.


  • Improves overall quality of sleep 
  • Relaxes blood vessels 
  • Reduces cortisol levels & oxidative damage 

How it works: 

Valerian root has been shown to increase levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which reduces nerve activity. It also prevents GABA from being broken down by enzymes. The compounds in Valerian Root that induce these effects are called Valerenic acid, Iridoids, and Isovaleric acid.

Side Effects: 

There have been very few side effects reported during Valerian Root supplementation. Large doses of valerian root (500mg+) can result in dry mouth, dizziness, and upset stomach.

Hops Extract  

Typically found in beer, this herb has antioxidant properties and has been shown to reduce anxiety and promote deep sleep.


  • Helps induce sleep onset via sedative effects 
  • Reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety 
  • Improves heart & skin health 

How it works: 

Hops extract contains a multitude of compounds that have been shown to improve sleep onset by acting on the GABA receptor system. The two main classes are α-Acids, such as humulone, and β-Acids, such as lupulone & colupulone. β-Acids are the compounds that interact directly with GABA receptors.

Side Effects: 

No side effects have been reported from its use as a medicinal supplement.


An amino acid naturally produced in the body and a direct precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is one of the principal neurotransmitters that plays a key role in regulating mood and sleep-wake cycles.


  • Improves overall quality of sleep 
  • Helps decrease anxiety and panic attacks 
  • Assists in alleviating symptoms of depression 

How it works: 

Long term usage of 5-Hydroxytryptophan has shown to increase the production of GABA receptors, which assist in achieving a health sleep cycle. Clinical trials have shown 5-HTP may improve overall sleep quality in subjects with mild sleep disorders.

Side Effects: 

Consult with a physician before supplementing with 5-HTP if you are currently taking any antidepressants. Large doses of 5-HTP (500mg+) combined with SSRI or MAOI has the potential to induce serotonin syndrome, which is a very serious medical condition.

Zinc Picolinate  

This trace mineral is essential for over 300 enzymes in the human body and necessary to initiate and maintain quality sleep.


  • Boosts Immune function 
  • Acts as a potent antioxidant 
  • Improves overall quality of sleep 

How it works: 

Zinc is essential for the development and function of many types of immune cells. It also helps reduce the amount of fat peroxides in the blood, which can damage cells in excess. Zinc has been shown to prolong sleep duration and improve quality of sleep.

Side Effects: 

Zinc picolinate is an essential mineral that is well tolerated by almost all adults within normal doses (25-150 mg)

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phophate)  

Vitamin B6, also known as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate, is an essential vitamin that is involved in more than 100 different enzyme reactions in the body. Vitamin B6 is shown to play a vital role in the biosynthesis of five important neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and GABA.


  • Optimizes blood circulation in the brain 
  • Helps maintain a healthy balance of neurotransmitters
  • Eases anxiety and irritability 

How it works: 

Vitamin B6 is known for its role in the synthesis of serotonin. The enzyme that converts tryptophan into serotonin, tryptophan hydroxylase, requires Vitamin B6 in order to function.

Side Effects: 

Side effects caused by Vitamin B6 are very rare, especially supplementing with a moderate dose.


A naturally occurring hormone in your body that plays a vital role in the sleep-wake cycle. An MIT study suggested that only a small dose (0.5 milligrams) is necessary for a restful effect. The study found that commercially available melatonin pills (3-5 milligrams) contain 10 times the effective amount in which the receptors become unresponsive.


  • Aids in maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm 
  •  Improves sleep onset 
  •  Reduces oxidative stress 

How it works: 

Melatonin acts by interacting with two receptor proteins, MT1 and MT2. MT1 and MT2 receptors control different stages of sleep: MT1 REM sleep, and MT2 controls the stages of sleep preceding dreaming.

Side Effects: 

Melatonin is well tolerated by almost all adults within normal doses (0.5 - 3mg). 

Large doses (3mg+) can result in drowsiness.